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Jesus Is My Savior Still

By Alan Parker

I don’t think you can conquer this.” I let the words hang in the air and watched the student’s face carefully to see how he would react. His expression showed incredulity. “You’re saying that I cannot do anything about this?” I paused again and chose my words carefully.

“On your own, you can’t stop. You are helpless, but you’re not hopeless.” I reached back to my bookshelf, pulled out a worn copy of Steps to Christ, by Ellen White, and turned to page 18: “It is impossible for us, of ourselves, to escape from the pit of sin in which we are sunken. Our hearts are evil, and we cannot change them.”1

It may seem strange to tell someone they cannot change. Many people want counseling, a pill, or a strategy. There may be value to these approaches. But what if the problem, at its core, is sin? Some­thing they cannot change. Then the solution requires something more radical and profound. It requires a Savior.


One of my favorite books of the Bible is Romans. It is the most compelling explanation of the gospel that I have found. But it’s surprising how Paul begins his gospel argument. His first three chapters climax in 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

This is Paul’s starting point. We are sinners. We are living in brokenness, alienated from God, oth­ers, and ourselves. It is hard for us to accept that the real issue is sin, but knowing our condition enables us to receive the right cure. If my leg were broken, I wouldn’t expect the doctor to tell me to try walking on it. No, the bad news of my broken leg prepares me for the better news that there is a surgeon who can set the bones right and put me on a path of healing.

In their insightful book How People Change, Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp make this comment: “Only when you accept the bad news of the gospel does the good news make any sense. The grace, restoration, reconciliation, forgiveness, mercy, patience, power, healing, and hope of the gospel are for sinners. They are only meaningful to you if you admit that you have the disease and realize that it is terminal.”2


Once we realize that the real problem is sin, we must accept God’s solution to it. Unfortunately, even Christians deal with sin in inappropriate ways. The first wrong approach to sin is that of apathy. It stems from a sentimental view of God, which sees Him as freely dispensing forgiveness without requiring radical change or obedience. Dietrich Bon­hoeffer, author of The Cost of Discipleship, called this “cheap grace.” It’s a “grace” that we offer ourselves and is, therefore, a grace without Jesus.3

A person who doesn’t feel the need for change won’t. They will not experience victory, because they do not feel it is required or even obtainable. This is a false view of the gospel because it sees God as taking care of the sin without having to change the sinner.

Another wrong approach to sin is shame. It’s built on the idea that we should feel ashamed of what we have done when we mess up. The more shame we feel, the more “repentant” we are. Shame is different from guilt: guilt drives us to the Savior; shame drives us from God into our own feelings. In the Garden of Eden, Adam felt shame rather than guilt, and ran from God.

Shame is a particularly ineffec­tive approach to sin because it is a form of self-atonement. “If I can make myself feel bad enough, then it will somehow erase my sin.” This makes us more likely to sin because we can take care of it through our bad feelings. “If I mess up, I’ll feel awful afterward, and then I can get on with my life.”

A final wrong approach to sin is to use strategies that will attempt to control or manage our behaviors. But this too is ineffective. The behav­ior is simply the fruit of a deeper root. Putting filters on a computer won’t change the desire for por­nography. Eventually a determined person will find a way around the filters. The real problem is the heart and its desires (James 1:14, 15). Unless we change our desires, the behaviors will keep reoccurring.

So how do we change the heart? Steps to Christ describes both the problem and the solution. “You cannot atone for your past sins; you cannot change your heart and make yourself holy. But God promises to do all this for you through Christ.”4 This brings us back to the gospel in the book of Romans.


After Paul tells us that we are all suffering the terrible effects of sin, he identifies the solution. We are “being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:24). The solution to the problem of sin is a Savior.

There are three key phrases in this verse. The first one is “justified freely.” It conjures up the picture of a person standing before a judge who declares they are “not guilty.” This verdict comes readily from God, who, rather than placing the sinner under just condemnation, sets them free. But how can a guilty person be declared innocent?

The answer is in the following phrase, which states that it happens “by His grace.” Grace refers to God showing favor to people who don’t deserve it. Since our sin is ultimately against God, He is the only one who can forgive it. Although we are guilty, God freely offers His pardon. This, however, is not cheap grace.

Billy Graham gives an illustra­tion of this. He was caught speed­ing in a Southern town and went to court. The judge determined he was guilty, and the fine was $10, $1 for every mile over the speed limit. It was something that had to be paid. But the judge recognized the famous evangelist, took $10 out of his own wallet to pay the fine, and invited Graham to join him for dinner!5 The grace was free, but it still required payment.

The final phrase in this verse explains that grace happens “through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Redemption has to do with liberty bought at a price. If a person was made a slave because of debt, they could be freed by a ransom—someone paying off their obligations. Jesus paid that debt for us.

So how does this help a person struggling with addictive behav­iors? Instead of focusing on the sin, we are to focus on the Savior. Jesus has already paid the price. He has already bought our freedom. We are to live in the light of that reality, and then the already purchased freedom becomes ours.


This brings us to a final point to be made about God’s solution. Change comes through faith. Faith not in yourself, but in your Savior. Faith is not just a belief, but a choice. It is trusting God and yielding your life to Him.

“Christ changes the heart. He abides in your heart by faith. You are to maintain this connection with Christ by faith and the continual surrender of your will to Him; and so long as you do this, He will work in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure.”6 (See also Phil. 2:12, 13.)

Righteousness by faith is how God changes us. We don’t depend on cheap grace to remove the demand for obedience. We don’t shame ourselves or use strategies to make change happen. We turn to Jesus. We look to Him. We put our confidence in Him and choose the path of surrender instead of the path of self-reliance.


What happened to that student struggling with an addictive sin? He gave up on trying to fix it himself. That day he surrendered his life to Jesus. There was no quick fix, but the more he looked to Jesus, the more his heart was changed. Instead of trusting his feelings, he put his trust in His Savior. And as his heart changed, his desires changed. He fell in love with Jesus. He learned that no matter what he faced, “Jesus is my Savior still.” And praise God, he found the victory!

1 Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1956), p. 18. (Italics supplied.)

2 Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp, How People Change (Greensboro, N.C.: New Growth Press, 2008), p. 16.

3 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, rev. ed. (New York: Macmillan Pub. Co., 1963; first published, 1937).

4 E. G. White, p. 51. (Italics supplied.)

5 Progress magazine, Dec. 14, 1992.

6 E. G. White, pp. 62, 63.

Alan Parker is a professor at Southern Adventist University, where he is also director of the Pierson Institute of Evangelism.

PARKER, Alan. Jesus Is My Savior Still. Adventist World 05/2024, pp 11-13.

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